A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of hot water fomentation with epsom salt versus plain hot water fomentation in reducing knee joint pain among premenopausal women in a selected community at Mangaluru
Author(s): 1.Dr Jenifer D'Souza, 2.Akshatha Mariet Noronha
Authors Affiliations:
DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS/202501002     |     Paper ID: IJRCS202501002Knee joint pain is a significant cause of disability in women, affecting one-third of people aged 40-60 years. Epsom salt fomentation is an effective alternative remedy for reducing knee pain. A study was conducted to assess the level of knee pain in both experimental and control groups before the intervention, evaluate the effectiveness of epsom salt hot water fomentation and plain hot water fomentation in reducing knee pain among premenopausal women, and find the association of mean pre-test pain level with selected demographic variables. The results showed that epsom salt was more effective in reducing knee joint pain compared to hot water fomentation. However, there was no association between pre-test pain score and selected demographic variables, indicating that the study's findings are null. The study concluded that there was a significant reduction in knee joint pain in the experimental group, proving that epsom salt fomentation is effective in reducing knee joint pain.
Dr Jenifer D’Souza, Akshatha Mariet Noronha (2025); A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of hot water fomentation with epsom salt versus plain hot water fomentation in reducing knee joint pain among premenopausal women in a selected community at Mangaluru, International Journal of Research Culture Society, ISSN(O): 2456-6683, Volume – 9, Issue – 1., Pp.4-12. Available on – https://ijrcs.org/
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