31, January 2025

A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of video awareness program regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among primary school teachers at SGRR School, Bombay Bagh, Dehradun


Authors Affiliations:

  1. MSC. Nursing student, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute Medical & Health Science College of Nursing, Dehradun.
  2. Associate Professor, Mental Health Nursing, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute Medical & Health       Science College of Nursing, Dehradun.

DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS/202501003     |     Paper ID: IJRCS202501003

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A pre-experimental research design that is one group pre-test and post-test design was adopted. A total of 30 samples were selected using purposive sampling technique. Standardised knowledge questionnaire scale (KADDS) was used to assess the effectiveness of ADHD among primary school teachers at SGRR school Bombay Bagh, Dehradun.  Pre-test was done on the first day followed by the video awareness programme on second day and the effectiveness of program was then evaluated by comparing the knowledge score in pre-test and post-test with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of a video awareness program in enhancing ADHD knowledge and teaching strategies among primary school teachers.  The Conceptual Framework was based on general system model by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy (1967). The post test results depict that 3 (10%) teachers were in the age group (1) 25-30 years, 11(37%) were in 30-35 years, 16 (53%) were in more than 35 years.  (2) All 30 (100%) primary school teachers were females. (3)  Out of 30 primary school teachers, 7 (23%) were graduates and 23 (77%) were postgraduates. (4) Out of 30 primary school teachers, 7 (23.4%) were having an experience in teaching of 1-5 years, 18 (60%) were having 6-10 years, 1 (3.2%) were having 11-15 years and 4 (13.4%) were having more than 15 years. (5) Out of 30 primary school teachers 6 (20%) were having a previous experience with ADHD child and 24 (80%) were not having any previous experience. (6) Out of 30 primary school teachers only 1(3%) were having a special training in child psychology and 29 (97%) were not having. (7) Out of 30 primary school teachers 11(37%) were attended a conference on ADHD and 19(63%) were not attended any conference on ADHD. The results show that in pre-test out of 30, 7 (23.33%) were having poor knowledge, 19 (63.33%) were having average knowledge and 4 (13.33%) were having good knowledge regarding ADHD. In post-test all 30 (100%) were having good knowledge regarding ADHD. The result show that the mean value of pre-test knowledge score was 17.3 less than the post- test knowledge score of 30.54 and standard deviation value of pre-test score was 5.63 which is more than post -test score was 1.85. The results of this study showed that video awareness programme regarding ADHD was effective for primary school teachers in enhancing their knowledge.

Effectiveness, knowledge, ADHD, video awareness, primary school teachers.

MS KUNJAM,  GOSWAMI MS REENA (2025) A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of video awareness program regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among primary school teachers at SGRR School, Bombay Bagh, Dehradun, International Journal of Research Culture Society,    ISSN(O): 2456-6683,  Volume – 9,   Issue –  1.,  Pp.13-30.        Available on – https://ijrcs.org/

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