The Impact of Stress on Academic Performance among Foundation Medical and Health Science Students at the National University of Science and Technology in Oman
Author(s): Ms. Yeavelin Vasheena
Authors Affiliations:
Lecturer, SoFS, National University of Science and Technology, Muscat, Oman
DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS/202501014     |     Paper ID: IJRCS202501014This study investigates the challenges faced by first-year English for Specific Purposes (ESP) medical students at the National University of Science and Technology, focusing on how various stress factors influence their academic performance. The research, conducted during the summer semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, aims to offer insights for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to address these challenges. Data were gathered through observation of 65 students' performance and the administration of a four-point scale questionnaire. The results identify key obstacles hindering academic achievement among GFP medical students and provide actionable recommendations for HEIs to mitigate these challenges effectively.
Ms. Yeavelin Vasheena (2025); International Journal of Research Culture Society, ISSN(O): 2456-6683, Volume – 9, Issue – 1., Pp.98-103. Available on –
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